PRP Hair Restoration Therapy – The Facts

You’ve probably heard a lot lately about PRP therapy, but haven’t quite grasped what it is and how it works. I personally learned about it from Dr. Tracei Ball of Emerge Wellness in Charlotte, North Carolina after struggling for years with one little non-growing, quarter-sized patch in the back of my head.

After getting minimal or no results from other forms of treatment elsewhere, Dr. Ball introduced me to and suggested that I try PRP hair restoration therapy. I’m a skeptic, and a late adopter to everything, but I was willing to give it a try to get rid of my bald spot.

After one treatment, I began to see some “fuzz” and hair thickening in the area. After three months I had enough hair to pull. At six months I’d seen significant growth in the area, and now almost a year later, I actually have enough hair to braid it…and this was all after just one experimental treatment!

I’m sold! Unfortunately, the doc and I live too far apart for me to continue treatment with her, but if you’ve suffered any type of hair loss, you should give PRP hair restoration therapy a try.

Let me give you the facts about PRP hair restoration therapy.

So what is PRP for hair loss?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) hair restoration therapy is a non-surgical, 100% natural restorative hair loss treatment that involves injecting your own highly concentrated plasma into an affected area where hair growth is poor or weak. PRP therapy revitalizes dormant hair follicles and stimulates healthy hair growth.

How does PRP therapy work?

Starting with a routine blood draw, the doctor collects a tube of blood from you. The tube is then placed into a centrifuge where the blood is spun down and red blood cells are separated from the plasma. Plasma, which is rich in platelets, is then injected into your scalp with a thin microneedle at the depth of your hair follicles.

Does it hurt?

I felt a stinging sensation, and then numbness afterward, but the pain was minimal. Your doctor may numb the treatment area prior to the procedure – hence the numbness later. Some patients report experiencing a mild burning sensation accompanied by redness, but if you feel any discomfort it is mild, and typically subsides within 24 - 48 hours. 

Am I a candidate for PRP for hair restoration therapy?

Though suitable for both men and women, unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for PRP hair restoration therapy. It is recommended that you schedule a consultation before making an appointment for the procedure with your doctor.

How many PRP hair restoration treatments do I need?

My treatment was experimental, but for patients with thinning or weak growing hair, three to four treatments, every four to six weeks is recommended for optimal results.

How long does it take, and is there any downtime?

A PRP hair restoration treatment is a lunchtime procedure that takes 45 minutes to one hour, depending on your treatment area. There is no downtime and you can expect to return to your regular routine immediately after the treatment.

How long does it take to see results?

You can expect to see noticeable results from PRP hair restoration therapy in six to nine months. I saw a difference in three months, but everybody is different so be patient.

If you’ve been suffering from hair loss, I highly recommend that you try PRP hair restoration therapy.