8 Ways To Repurpose Social Media Content


The struggle is real when it comes to creating high-quality new content for your audience, but repurposing content might just be the answer to all your problems! 

We often get stuck trying to come up with new ideas, but totally forget about all the amazing content we’ve already created that maybe just needs a little facelift. And the bridge between breathing new life into old content and creating new quality content is knowing how to repurpose! 

In this article, you’ll learn eight ways to repurpose your current content which will help you save time, reach new audiences and better utilize your online resources.

But First, What Is Content Repurposing?
Repurposing content, AKA finding new ways to recycle your existing content, is adding to, updating, and/or revising content you already have to add more value. The definition can be a little vague sometimes, but that’s because content recycling isn’t a rigid concept. Repurposing is executed in many forms and demonstrated in a variety of ways. It’s all about using content in different contexts, presenting it in different ways, positioning it on different platforms, or it can be a combination of all three. 

Repurposing content adds value by reaching new audiences or simply by reinforcing your brand message. It also saves time and allows you to regain access to potential customers you may have missed the first time around.

Though you can repurpose all types of content (check out my e-book), in this article we’re going to focus on a few ways you can repurpose content for social media. 

8 Ways To Repurpose Social Media Content

Social media offers great versatility for repurposing content. Here are eight awesome ways you can use it to add more value, reach more potential customers and stretch your content. 

  1. Use the same content across all platforms. Just because you create a post for one platform doesn’t mean you can’t share it on all of them. Copy and paste content from one platform to the others and boom, you’ve instantly repurposed content. Change a word or two or switch out the images so it “fits” the platform you are using and adds some variation. 

  2. Use graphics and captions in stories. If you’ve created a series on social media platforms, at the end of the week, month, or whatever, create a featured story with captions, and the images and graphics you used for your posts. Example: Say you’ve featured a different natural hair style for seven days. On day eight, combine those images and captions and post as a story.

  3. Make memes
    Memes are among the most shared content online and if you want a fun, easy way to use your content to engage customers, create memes that align with your brand’s voice and appropriate for the platform you are using. 

  4. Testimonials are great for social media content 
    Testimonials are some of the best pieces of content you can repurpose because they are evergreen, and hold their value. Testimonials improve and support customer relationships and reaffirm positive buying decisions. You can post or turn in to stories as well. 

  5. Turn blog headers, industry statistics, facts, or quotes into tweets or graphics. Most of you probably share your latest blog post on social media with the title of the article, but oftentimes, the promotion stops there. Rather than creating just one social post, create an assortment of different posts from the headers, facts, statistics, or quotes used throughout the article, and link back to the original blog post.

  6. Use videos and webinar content
    Videos and webinars are both great sources for developing social media content. Pulling important facts, quotes, and notable information from your videos and webinars can reinforce your messaging and make for excellent social media content.  

  7. Repurpose tweets into Instagram posts. 
    You’ve seen it done by others, but you probably never thought about reusing your own tweets on other social media platforms. Repurposing tweets is a great way to add more perspective or context to your messaging. But make sure you’re not using low-quality screenshots. 

  8. Turn longer videos into short tutorials
    Use longer videos that you have created on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram to make several shorter videos. You’ll be surprised at how many awesome one to two-minute videos you can create from just one long video. A word of caution though – make sure your videos are good quality and edited to make sense in context to what you are talking to your customers about.

If you want to learn more and get an in-depth look at how to create more content in less time, click here to pick up my e-book Content Repurposing for Beauty Brands.